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Wart Removal

Warts, which are caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), are common and benign skin growths that can negatively impact the appearance of your skin. However, at MODERN Dermatology, we specialize in providing expert care for warts. If you would like to explore wart treatment options, we invite you to reach out to us by either calling the office closest to you or booking an appointment online today. Our team is ready to schedule a consultation and discuss the best course of action for your specific needs.

Phone: (480) 712-8741

What are warts?

Warts are noncancerous (benign) skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are common and highly contagious. You may pick up the virus that causes warts when your skin comes in direct contact with a wart or when you touch something that came in direct contact with a wart (e.g., door handle, shared towel). The virus then enters your body through a cut or crack in your skin, leading to the infection. Anyone can get warts, but they’re more common in children. 

What are the types of warts?

The location and appearance of your warts are essential factors that determine their specific type. Examples of different types of warts include:


Common warts

Common warts, medically known as verruca vulgaris, are a type of skin growth characterized by their rough and raised appearance. Typically found on the hands and fingers, they may exhibit a distinguishing black dot in the center, often referred to as a seed.


Plantar warts

Plantar warts, which develop on the soles of the feet, tend to grow inward due to the continuous pressure exerted on that area. These warts can be identified by their rough callus-like texture, usually with minuscule black dots at their core. Depending on their location, plantar warts may lead to discomfort or pain in the feet.


Flat warts

Flat warts, which are characterized by their small and smooth appearance, have the ability to appear on any area of the body. Remarkably, it is possible for an individual to have a substantial quantity of these warts concurrently, ranging from approximately 40 to as many as 100.


Filiform warts

Filiform warts, which are characterized by their thread-like appearance, typically develop on either the fingers or the face.

When do I need dermatology for warts?

At MODERN Dermatology, we offer various treatments for warts that may not resolve on their own or with over-the-counter medication. If your warts are causing discomfort, affecting visible areas of your skin, or persist despite at-home care, we recommend seeking expert wart care from our experienced team. It is particularly important to visit us if you have a compromised immune system. It's worth noting that certain types of warts have the potential to develop into Squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer. During your visit, we will carefully assess your medical history and skin concerns, and conduct a thorough examination of your skin growths. In some cases, a tissue sample will be sent to a pathology lab for further confirmation of a diagnosis.

What are some treatment options for warts?

At MODERN Dermatology, we pride ourselves on the wide array of highly effective treatment options we provide for warts. Our approach is rooted in determining the ideal method for each patient, taking into consideration factors such as wart type, location, and medical history. Rest assured that our tailored approach ensures the best possible outcome for your individual needs.

Treatment options for warts include:

  • Cantharidin

  • Cryotherapy

  • Excision

For individuals with warts that are proving to be resistant to standard treatments, Dr. Thosani may suggest alternative therapies such as injections or laser treatment. These options aim to target and effectively address the troublesome warts, providing patients with potential relief and improvement in their condition. To discuss treatment options, call MODERN Dermatology at (480) 712-8741 or request an appointment by visiting our Contact page today.